Nerds Support Morphling

Facet: 2 (Flow)
Morphling is agility core hero, who can be played as utility core / support, using his ability to stun people for long duration with low cooldown with Adaptive Strike (W). This build is focused on using Morphling as support hero with potential to transition later into another powerful core.
This build is untraditional and situational. Use the hero on this position with this build on your own risk.
Starting Items
Skill Build
Skill Priority
Skill Build Timeline
Main Build
Build Timeline
Lategame Items
Neutral Items
Spells Tooltips
Our main escape/damage tool early. Probably the best skill to get for early skirmishes and offlane
Attribute Shift (Strength Gain)
The other thing we want to have early: whole strategy works only when we morphed into strength, so we need morph for that (and we won't really use it after we morph 90% str after that)
It's pretty nice to have for both offensive and defensive plays: you can make repliva from your core and push with it or control it to get somewhere save after initiation in bad position. You can also create replica from strong enemy hero with good auras (like vladmirs, venge aura, wk's lifesteal..)
Items Tooltips
Increasing initiation range even more, while also providing ability to choose better position (and knock enemy closer to our allies), or even jump in close distance and make dodging our projectile much harder.
Useful thing against high magic damage lineups (you will probably face that a lot since you're playing morphling)
Good for purging silences or controlling enemy in place so you can wait for your cooldowns and use stun+wave again. Provides us with mana regen and mobility which will always be handy.
We will have massive amounts of HP from str, so blademail may be handy. It also provides a lot of armor and int, which will be useful since we don't have a lot of armor and we always love to get more mana.
Pretty good damage item for any agility core and, well, while transitioning we need any damage we can get so we will be online as a core faster.
With our illusions and stats theme, manta is probably the second best item to get since you can split-farm with illusions effectively.
At the point when you will be able to transition into core, you will have enough stats already by yourself, but huge boost from skadi will make you tankier, while also increasing your damage output.
Allowes us to save allies from physical damage, gives us opportunity to use shotgun combo, even starts our transition into core with huge agility boost.
Strong armor item, mana regen, allowes us to save allies from massive physical damage, while also solves our armor problems (when we're morphed to str)
Massive manapool increase and, of course, cooldown reduction, so downtime between our stun instances will bae as low as possible.
Another saving item, useful when you need to save somebody from massive magic damage or from instant focus