Nerds Ursa

Ursa is a tanky agility hero who is extremely good at killing solo targets and dealing high amounts of damage. His ultimate (especially with Aghanim's Scepter) allowes him take less damage and outlive or purge stuns, while Overpower and Fury Swipes allow him to deal high amount of damage in a short period of time. This also helps him to fight Roshan pretty early, have almost guaranteed bash with Skull Basher and dominate early to mid game. His two main weaknesses are mobility and structures: if Ursa is slowed or held in place, he can't do much at all and fighting towers is just hard for him, considering his tooltip.
This build is based on Immortal rank Ursa matches.
Starting Items
Skill Build
Skill Priority
Skill Build Timeline
Main Build
Build Timeline
Lategame Items
Neutral Items
Other significant items
Spells Tooltips
+1.75 Mana Regen
This talent works much better than alternative and also helps us to spam Earthshock constantly
Items Tooltips
One of most important items for Ursa. With it you can close the gap instantly and start attacking a target. In most scenarios after you use Overpower and Blink to enemy hero, he will not be able to get away.
WIth Fury Swipes you won't really need it most of the time, but it can be useful if you're playing agaist Nature's Prophet or didn't get used to Ursa's attack damage
Getting early boots is crusual for our laning since with them Ursa is able to close the gap between him and opponents and force them to get out of lane.
One of the best Aghs upgrades you can get. Lowers your ult cooldown and allowes you to use it while stunned and purge all debuffs from yourself. In combination with level 25 talent, you just become unstunnable
You want to get it in almost every scenario. It helps deal with stuns, slows and other things that can stop you from killing opponents.
WIth maximum attack speed from Overpower you will get almost guaranteed bash on one of your attacks. WIth it you can manfight and kill almost every hero in 1v1 fights early on. Use this advantage to get a pickoff and then force a fight/get an objective with your team.
Natural upgrade to Skull Basher with active ability to get a guaranteed BKB-piercing stun. It also gives you a bit more tankiness