Nerds Support Enchantress

Enchantress is durable intelligence hero, who is pretty good for agressive playstyle. She has ability to boost her farm in offlane jungle, does not care about counterpicks and can destroy enemy cores lifes by roaming with jungle creeps, while also being great damage dealer in lategame.
Starting Items
Skill Build
Hard Support
Skill Priority
Skill Build Timeline
Offlane Support
Skill Priority
Skill Build Timeline
Main Build
Build Timeline
Lategame Items
Neutral Items
Other significant items
Spells Tooltips
Good for slowing enemies and, of course, for early farm and ganking. We want this to have ASAP to be able to farm jungle, but we don't need more than 1 point early on.
Our main damage source. Can be used to dominate a lane, kill those who's trying to run away, kill couriers, defend from a distance.
Our first skill to max out. It gives us a lot in early game (making us kind of tanky) and helps with dominating in fights
Nature's Attendants
Our main escape early. It has not really big radius and heals slowly, so we will use it only for ourself most of the time. You can learn this on lvl1 if there's risk of dying. Try to use it before fighting: it will help you tank shit and get out.
+12 Nature's Attendants Wisps
Both heal and damage are good: with heal you can tank more and even try to save somebody, with damage you can farm faster and push effectively.
Items Tooltips
Grab it as soon as you can (maybe even at start instead of ring of protection). You don't have much of HP or mana, so constant usage of magic stick may save the day for you
Some mana regen, lockdown and self purge. Cheap, not really good stats-wise, but can be OK against Kunkka, Juggernaut and so on
Altho, upgrading Lance won't give us much stats, so getting Aghs (or, spoiler, any stat giving item) would be useful
Huge armor boost, armor and attack speed aura for the team, also huge attack speed boost. One of the best Ench team-orientated items.
Usually it's not the item you want to get, but against hgh phys damage lineups it's probably the second best after AC: huge amount of armor, utility and mana pool increase.
One of the best utility items in the game. Useful against silences and hexes, as well as direct spells.
All-in damage output item. Good for defending situations or for stomping, but usually not worth getting it early
Gives a lot of stats, attack speed and damage, mobility, additional escape and long-range utility (with Break effect).
The best damage-outut item (starting with orchid). Gives mana regen and plenty of attack speed, as well as some utility.
A little bit of attack speed, useful active ability for saving people from focus
Since we will get Dragon lance anyway and force staff is quite useful utility item for us as well as the Pike, why don't get it next?